our company

Our numbers

Casa Vinicola Costanza operates through two branches in Ovada and GattinaraThe latter is located in a historically famous wine region in North-Western Italy, and boasts an age-old tradition: as a matter of fact, the very first documents that certify the plant’s presence and activity date back to 1880.

Our company owns two high-speed, completely automated production lines, which combined achieve an output of over 10.000 bottles per hour. The newest of those lines started operating in early 2023, and it employs all the techniques and procedures required to make wine-based beverages and cocktails – such as pasteurisation, sterile filtration, and micro-filtration.

The company has fully embraced the 4.0 philosophy, thanks to which all the machines that contribute to the production process attain a complete degree of integration and interconnection with IT systems. Such technologies allow a 360-degree, real-time control of production – an essential requirement for achieving the quality standards that we aim for.

Casa Vinicola Costanza’s annual storage capacity of bulk wine amounts to 9 million litres. Our plants are equipped with steel and concrete wine tanks, and with autoclaves designed for spakling wines’ prise de mousse.

The annual production exceeds 10 million bottles.

A short supply chain

Casa Vinicola Costanza is passionately devoted to bottling great quality wines – but there is more.Our company is in fact also active in the trade of bulk wine, a choice that allows us to have accessto a shorter supply chain.
A shorter supply chain means that each of our bottles contains wine from selected producers, whofarm and vinify with great care and respect for the environment. It also means that such wine ispurchased directly from those producers, limiting the number of intermediaries involved, and consequently reducing costs to the benefit of quality.

Costanza’s short supply chain is something that makes us unique in the wine market.
It allows us to offer products selected with the utmost care and attention, respecting nature, theterritory, the people. It allows us to guarantee the traceability and safety of our wines, fromgrapes to bottle. It allows us to establish direct and transparent relationships with our customers.

Certified quality

Casa Vinicola Costanza obtained the IFS and BRCGS certifications, which certify the company’s capability of producing safe products in compliance with all health regulations, and also the company’s commitment to promoting food safety and to making supply chains more secure and transparent every day.